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29 th August – 27 th September 2008
The joint exhibition with Ruby Wallis opens 29 th August at 6pm at Galway Arts Centre, Ireland.
Tamany’s new publication, Transient Beauty, will also be launched on the evening by Vivienne Dick, film maker and lecturer at GMIT.
The show consists of both artist’s individual work, which contains strong common themes of subconscious agendas, and a brand new collaborative piece on the third floor.
Show continues until 27 th September 2008 Opening hours Mon- Sat 10am – 6pm Admission free
GAC, 47 Dominick Street, Galway, Ireland Tel: +353 91 565886 info@galwayartscentre www.galwayartscentre.ie
September – November 2008 (inclusive): 3 month showcase of Tamany’s hand-made books in the Arnolfini Bookshop in Bristol. Y ou will be able to see a series of books, from the very first ideas in rough collections, through book dummies to the finished edition. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the choices made by the artist at each step to arrive at the publication which ends up on the bookshelf. The newly published book, Transient Beauty, will also be on sale.
This series of photographs is a journey through mixed thoughts and feelings about the relationship with her late mother, offering a wider reflection on death and loss of youth. Inspired by an image of a fallen statue laying in the grass, the book takes you down into the earth and lifts you back out just before you disappear. Anyone who has grappled with loss and understands how you must let go to move on will be captivated by this achingly beautiful collection of photographs.
This is her first published book, an edition of 1000, printed on Japanese woodfree paper and meticulously bound and blocked in white linen. The book will be available in specialist bookstores such as Dashwood books in New York, the bookshop in the Maison Européene de la Photographie in Paris and Bookart bookshop in London.
Showcase on view September through to November 2008. Bookshop opening hours 10.00am - 6.00pm, Tuesday - Sunday.
Arnolfini bookshop 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA Tel: 0117 917 2304 www.arnolfini.org.uk
1 st – 14 th November 2008 Joint show of collaborative work with Ruby Wallis at Áras Éanna on the Aran islands.
Collaborative work on show 1 st –14 th November Contact Áras Éanna for opening hours Admission free
Áras Éanna, Inis Oírr, Co. Galway. Tel: +353 99 751 50 araseanna@eircom.net
January 2009 (date tbc): A joint MA show upcoming in London at the Chocolate Factory gallery near the Tate
April 2008. Tamany completed a residency at Áras Éanna, Inis Oirr on the Aran Islands, Ireland. February 2008. Awarded a research grant to visit New York
December 2007. Tamany has just returned from Ireland, where she had a residency on Inis Oirr, the smallest of the Aran Islands off the West coast of Ireland. She was working in collaboration with photographic artist, Ruby Wallis in advance of their major joint show in Galway Arts Centre, August 2008. The fierce storms however meant that no boats were running so instead they travelled to Enistimon, where they were kindly given use of a studio by another artist.
They visited the Cliffs of Moher where the wind was so strong it nearly swept them off their feet. They also came across St Bridget’s Well, where people have left all sorts of photographs and personal memorabilia as a dedication; as the dusk fell on this stormy day, the place offered a strange sense of calmness and timelessness. Ruby and Tamany made a night walk along the beach at Lahinch in the pitch black, save for the incredibly bright stars in the sky.
The next day brought the sun out and the sea was calm at last. Long walks on the beach in the winter sun seemed like a blessing after the previous battering in the storm. The extreme of the wind, made the calm all the more poignant.
Tamany and Ruby will return for a week’s residency on Inis Oirr in April by invitation of the artist in residence programme of Áras Éanna.
November 2007. This month saw the opening of MORTAL, a group show on the theme of life and death, held in the spectacular and fitting location of the derelict Pro Cathedral in Bristol.
Tamany showed the first half of the project, Transient Beauty , framed in ornate gold frames and one piece from her Dark Light project.
Also this month, Tamany attended the international photography fair Paris Photo and the Maison Europeéne de la Photographie in Paris, who will be soon be stocking a limited edition version of her hand-made book, Transient Beauty .
October 2007. Tamany produced a piece for Regenerator, an altered book project which was shown this month at the Flock Gallery, University of Wales, Newport. She chose a book about Leonardo da Vinci, and reworked the book excerpting sections and re-creating it into a broadsheet style book, using the original book pages.
At the end of the month, she showed her final MA work in a group show at the Turner House Gallery, Penarth. She had now been awarded an MA with merit.