Tamany Baker Photography
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[Living with Wolfie]
[A Random Walk]
[Our Dark Companion]
[Transient Beauty]
[False Moons]
[Dark Light pt.1]
[Dark Light pt.2]
[New Light]
[Sun and moon]
11-8-99  Saint-Seans, France  11.22 am 11-8-99  Saint-Seans, France  11.23 am 9-9-99 Bristol moon
Willo the Wisp Norfolk coast Trailer Park Moonsky
  The sun and the moon series, 1999.

The first three photographs from this series were captured next to a cornfield near Saint-Seans in France during the 1999 eclipse and a month later at the full moon in Britain on 9/9/99. They are photographs that can never be recreated and represent just one tiny moment in time and place.

Just before totality, a cloud bank covered the sun, leaving the eclipse to be seen tantalisingly through breaks in the cloud. Cloud detail was illuminated by shafts of light coming from the eclipsed sun. The whole sky looked like something out of the lord of the rings, quite extraordinary.

Other pictures in this gallery represent ongoing research into the night sky, inspired by the eclipse, and are responsible for the subsequent series, The False Moons.